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Our Mission / About Us

WTSHRM is a not-for-profit association with over 100 Human Resource (HR) professional members from a variety of businesses and organizations in the West Tennessee area. WTSHRM has been recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) as a Merit Award Chapter for excellence in operations and service to members.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

WTSHRM News & Information
WTSHRM News & Information


Join us in Memphis at the 2024 Tennessee SHRM Conference & Expo to get insights into current HR best practices, up-to-date legal and legislative issues, and learn how to enhance your skills as an HR professional from senior-level peers, subject matter experts, and industry leaders.

Welcome Members
Welcome Returning Members
Welcome Members
Welcome New Members

Our Sponsors 

To view our sponsorship opportunities, click here.


Our Certifications/Designations 
shrm 75th affiliate
 cert provider 2023
